Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Getting started

So you may have gotten an invite from Google to this blog.  I'm just fiddling with the idea of documenting the potential construction of our house, but wanted to keep it private and thought I'd try that function.  I didn't realize Google was going to send email invites.

Just to give you something to look at, here is a front, rear, and frame pic of the house design we are going for.  There is quite the possibility that we won't end up with this house, but it's where we're starting.  Might as well start with what we want and cut back from there, right?

So we're going to try to build a timber frame house.  The frame you see in the upper right would be completely exposed on the inside.  Big timbers, 8 - 10" thick.  There are some slight modifications that the architect is working on; for one thing, it's the Eckert Highfill House, not just Highfill.  But this is pretty close to how the design should end up.