Saturday, July 22, 2017

Shop building

A friend was asking what the new shop is going to look like.  Here is the cover page from the plans.  For reference, the height of the walls is 16' (that's FEET), allowing for a loft to be built in the middle.  The plan is to put the chevalet (possibly multiple) up in the loft area with some big tables and such.  I'll probably end up storing the veneer up there, too.  The big door in the end wall is a 10' x 10' door.  Ought to be big enough for a forklift to run stuff in and out if necessary.  The siding on the building will be fiber cement, plank on the bottom half and shingle on the top half.  The building is about 60' x 40'.  I hope it's enough space.

Tree protection fence, silt fence and site inspections

In the past couple weeks, the tree protection fence and silt fence have been put up, including in the areas where we are running the pressure sewer line.  The County and Town have passed the inspections, allowing us to start clearing trees.

The pressure sewer line is part of our subdivision requirements...we bought 14+ acres originally, subdivided into 4 lots (three 2 acre lots and one 8 acre lot...guess where we are building).  The three 2 acre lots are for sale if anybody is interested.  We had to run a sewer line to all the lots as a subdivision requirement.  We opted for a pressure sewer since a gravity sewer would have required a ridiculous amount of digging and road repair.  Geometry of the land would have necessitated going to a manhole far to the south in order to get the drop required.

 Here is a picture of our driveway entrance earlier this week.  That's the directional drill rig on the left, drilling south for the pressure sewer line.

Here is a picture of our driveway entrance as of yesterday.  The drill rig is now on the right, drilling north to connect to the sewer line already installed up there.  The excavator in the middle is going to start pulling stumps on Monday.  The orange fencing is tree protection fence.  It's supposed to keep machinery and work away from tree root zones on the other side.

And just for comparison, here is what the entrance looked like prior to our work.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Construction Entrance

A lot has happened in 5 days.  Here is how the entrance looked on June 28:

Here is how it looks today:

The stabilized construction entrance is in (thanks, Bartley!), and it's about ready for silt fence.  Still needs some root pruning.  God forbid we harm trees that WE own.